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The Story of Black Peter
Santa's Evil Twin!

Have you heard the story of Black Peter? This is an interesting folk-tale that I learned as a child. A story whispered and passed around in secret, much like the stories of "Bloody Mary" that Catholic school kids all know. I have not met too may other people who knew this tale, though they all have heard of the one important element of it!

I thought to share it with you all for the holidays.

Black Peter is an evil, crippled dwarf who lives in a coal mine. He watches over children all year, to see who is good and who is wicked, and on Christmas eve he sets out through the tunnels on his coal-cart pulled by plague-ridden undead rams. He snatches up bad children and puts them in a sack full of rats before taking them back to the mines with him to be his slaves, forced to dig coal forever and to be tormented by Black Peter who will poke them with pins and one day eat them.

If a child is naughty and in danger of being taken, Black Peter will leave a lump of coal in their Christmas stocking as a warning of the fate to befall them next year!

Woe be to the child who receives this and does not mend their wicked ways!

Merry Christmas!

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